Dedicated Fairy Tales
26.04.2017 / 18:47 | Aktualizováno: 28.04.2017 / 18:14
The book was created as part of a fundraising project held by Rakovina věc veřejná – Cancer Research Foundation, which promotes science and research in the field of oncological diseases.
This new book of 10 original fairy tales from the pen of famous Czech and Slovak personalities is designed for all those who love the world of mysteries and fantasies.
The book is bilingual, Czech and English. Therefore, it can be of good assistance to children who are learning English.
By purchasing this fairy-tale book, you help Rakovina věc veřejná – Cancer Research Foundation to fulfil its mission, which is to support research in the fight against the insidious disease.
The book is illustrated with very nice and gorgeous pictures by Carolyn Gad, young illustrator from Cape Town Below you find the invitation to her exhibition in Durbanville, Cape Town.
You can find more informations and order the book on following websites: